I recently had the privilege of talking Nightforce Optics into sending me one of their latest “budget” rifle scopes. So, they sent out the Nightforce SHV 4-14X56, and I mounted it atop just about anything I could, during the course of about 3 months worth of rifle reviews. I can honestly say that this beauty was one of the clearest scopes I've ever peered through, and once sighted in, it is deadly accurate.

This .25 MOA scope had a 56mm objective lens, which, by the way, is likely bigger than anything you'll ever need (though they do make a smaller 42mm for this budget line). I was originally going to mount the scope on top of a Ruger M77 Hawkeye, but was unable to find scope rings tall enough to get the system to work. They make them, but I couldn't get them in time for the Ruger review that ended up on guns.com, and had to put a lower quality scope on it.
However, I was able to order extra tall rings for a weaver style rail, and the rest was history. Eventually, the scope made it onto the Olympic Arms rifle pictured below, which was brought out to about 150 yards.

Nightforce on Olympic Arms 5.56/.308 rifle.
The illuminated MOAR reticle is ideal for making range finding on the fly, once you figure out what you're doing. And, even though the SHV riflescope comes with a parallax adjustment, I found that I didn't need it.

The downside to this scope, is just how big it is. It really is a massive scope. The 56mm objective, coupled with its overall length of just under 15 inches is just overkill for what most hunters are going to need in the field. But, when you've just got to reach out and touch something that's in low light and 500 yards, or more, away—this is the perfect scope for you.

How much is it? Well, their budget line of scopes is still way beyond what most scopes will cost. But, remember who you're paying for. There are few rifle scopes makers on the face of the planet who can match the quality of NightForce Optics. Depending upon the reticle you choose, this piece of art will cost between $1,000-1,100.

The Nightforce SHV line of scopes are a more affordable option to give those of us who are less-than-wealthy shooters, access to a superior optic with ultra clear glass, excellent light transmission along with actual .25 MOA adjustments. We highly recommend this scope for any of your shooting needs, if you can afford it, that is.

Does this scope get Gun Carrier's stamp of approval?
Yes, it does.
More Pictures:

Have you ever used a NightForce Optic before? If so, what did you think about it? And, when you're done, make sure you give this next article about hunting with a brush gun a read:
Why hunt with a brush gun.
May 23, 2023 at 6:46 AM
Man, not gonna lie, SHV looks really great, especially considering it’s like half the price of other NF scopes(I have NX8 nightforce optics from https://gritroutdoors.com/nightforce/ currently, was like $1.5k on sale. Considering trying something new, maybe an ATACR series). Can definitely see it being really popular in medium budget niche, especially if it’s same quality as other NF models!