What do you do if someone pulls a gun on you? Even worse, is there a way to escape safely if they have their gun pointed at your head? In such a situation, it's important to think quickly. At the same time, every move you make should be calculated and deliberate, with the goal of disarming the gunman as quickly and effectively as possible. So while you want to act quickly, you also want to make sure you're using the correct tactics. The “Don’t be a Victim” series is designed to teach you self-defense techniques so you can defend yourself in any situation, with anything and everything. Legally we make NO claims that any of these techniques will be 100% effective, as they require substantial training to perfect and every situation is different. This course series is purely for informational purposes only. Don't be a victim…but *do* work to practice and perfect your techniques.
Throughout the series, we’ll present you with original training techniques from coach Jeremy Pollack from Inner Warrior Coaching, who will cover knife defense, how to disarm a gun from a gunman, and how to use random items such as a belt or stick to defend yourself, and more. Take hold of Coach Jeremy’s 20+ years as a Martial Arts instructor, and Don’t be a Victim! You can always find the ongoing series playlist here.
Episode 3 – Gun to Head Disarm
How do you disarm a gunman who has a gun to your head? Learn these vital self-defense and offense techniques by watching the third episode of our new defense training series.
This is Coach Jeremy Pollack from Inner Warrior Coaching. Watch how he masterfully teaches you about proper handgun disarming techniques.
In most cases if I can touch your gun, I can take it away from you. Now understand that I have been trained in this and practiced this time and time again and even taught others how to do this. You MUST learn this properly and still you must practice this over and over again until it is almost second nature.
October 19, 2015 at 11:56 AM
In most cases if I can touch your gun, I can take it away from you. Now understand that I have been trained in this and practiced this time and time again and even taught others how to do this. You MUST learn this properly and still you must practice this over and over again until it is almost second nature.