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Gear Review: Urban Carry Holster, Yay Or Nay?



Featured | Automatic Handgun with leather holster and bullets on a wooden background | Gear Review: Urban Carry Holster, Yay Or Nay?

Is the Urban Carry Holster worth your money? Let me share my own experience with this concealed carry holster here.

RELATED: Avoid Unwanted Piercings: Learn How To Holster The Right Way

In this article:

  1. Comfort
  2. Drawing Delay
  3. Concealment
  4. Urban Carry Holster Fails
  5. Urban Carry Holster Recommendation: Nay

Urban Carry Holster Review | To Buy or Not to Buy?


I've been carrying the Urban Carry concealed holster around for several months now and can say that, until recently, it was one of my two preferred methods of carrying a concealed gun.

In fact, when it comes to deep concealment holsters, I'd say this holster is as close to perfect as you'd hope for, though far from flawless depending on your body type and the clothes you wear.

The Urban Carry Holster does take some getting used to and requires more drawing practice than most others on the market. While I'm wearing it right now as I sit here and type this, I don't even know it's on unless I focus on it.

It is that comfortable. The first time I put it on and showed it to my wife, though, she actually said to me, “is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?” I shoot you not — she actually said that.

The bulge was that big. Then again, I was wearing a full-size Springfield XD, in the appendix area.

After that initial shock of, “damn, it makes me look happy,” I realized that carrying a full-size handgun may not be the best idea for this holster, so I chose a different route.

Drawing Delay

Even though I have the medium size one, I carry a snubby 5-shot revolver in it, and it works well. There is still a learning curve when drawing because most revolver holsters are not apt to easy flow like a regular clip holster is, especially when you carry a spare tire around as I do.

The holster is a different concept in that, instead of drawing your weapon, you draw the entire holster out of its resting spot, and then pull the gun out. It's different but possible to get fast with enough practice.

Having said all of that, I can see where some people will have issues with it. Personally, I keep my belt as tight on my waist as I can stand before it cuts the blood supply off to my feet.

Therefore, that makes for a harder draw. The fact I've got larger than life belly doesn't help, either.

You can practice different methods of drawing to help. However, I admit my belt was a notch looser than it used to be when I wore this combo.

RELATED: Guidelines For Concealed Carry Holster Selection


A handgun in holster | Gear Review: Urban Carry Holster, Yay Or Nay?
Speaking of the belt, the Urban Carry Holster does require the use of one to work. Basically, you just run your belt through these hoops, and then tuck the holster into your pants.

It looks like a cell phone holster, with the gun totally hidden in the pants.

It's especially great for someone who likes to carry a backup gun but doesn't want to use their ankle. It's in deep concealment for small guns, people really have no clue it's even there.

Bigger guns, like my XD, don't disappear how I wanted it to, though.

Therefore, I'm not sure I'd recommend someone carrying a full-sized pistol in it. Even though it won't print like a handgun, it is large.

Plus, getting a larger gun unholstered proved to be more difficult than I wanted, even though I practiced with it for several months.

Urban Carry Holster Fails

Now, on to the real downfall of the Urban Carry. While it seems to be of high-quality materials, the stitching on the one side is starting to pull off, and I see 10 holes worth of stitches that are no longer there.

Once stitching begins to break, it doesn't usually stop. Therefore, it is just a matter of time before it won't hold the gun anymore.

Urban Carry Holster Recommendation: Nay

It is for that reason I've retired this holster to home-duty and cannot recommend it to someone. I can see the concept and if it had held up the way I wanted it to, I would not hesitate to give it my stamp of approval for deep concealment holsters.

The stitching is coming undone, and the last thing any of us needs is for our gun to fall out of its holster.

Watch this urban carry total concealment holster review from John Cameron:

I cannot, in good conscience, recommend a holster that may not perform as it should and may actually be dangerous if a gun falls out. Is the Urban Carry Holster price of $65 any enticement for me to recommend this product?

I still say safety is more important than price range.

Do you own an Urban Carry holster? Has yours begun to fall apart as mine has? Let us know in the comments what you think about it, and make sure you sign up for Gun Carrier's FREE newsletter to keep up to date on all we do.


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on October 13, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  1. WilliamHarrington

    January 6, 2017 at 9:46 PM

    It is possible that a person could resew the holster using the same holes and a heavy duty thread. I have repaired a knife case of mine this way and see no reason why it wouldn’t work for the holster. It is entirely possible that your repair will be stronger than the original.

  2. Cecil Howard

    January 4, 2017 at 8:14 PM

    I don’t conceal anymore. We are a open carry state. I hate concealed carry. Thay can shove it where the sun don’t shine. Build some open carry holsters.

    • Patrick Wilson

      January 5, 2017 at 2:37 PM

      Cecil please do not take this as a criticism, to each his own method, but when I carry I want it to be concealed, I don’t want some asshat knowing that I have the capability to end him….I want it to be a complete surprise…just my take on the subject…stay safe…stay armed!

      • WilliamHarrington

        January 6, 2017 at 9:48 PM

        My thoughts exactly. Why let the thug know you can fight back.

    • Mikial

      January 5, 2017 at 3:33 PM

      There’s lots of good open carry holsters; Bianchi, DeSantis, Blackhawk, Safariland, Uncle Mike’s, Hogue, etc. Take your pick. We’re an open carry state too and I do see people carrying openly, especially on motorcycles and even in Wal Mart. But open carry attracts a lot of attention from all kinds of people; some good, some bad and my personal preference is not to let everyone know I’m carrying.

  3. Mikial

    January 4, 2017 at 4:45 PM

    Doesn’t look like something i would consider using. Not ridged and doesn’t look like it would have good retention. Another gimmick, make a few bucks product to capitalize on the concealed carry uptick. As for comfort, I carry a full sized G21 in a good quality Crossbreed IWB and I don’t even notice it’s there standing or sitting.

  4. Greg S

    January 4, 2017 at 3:19 PM

    Pretty sure it has a lifetime guarantee so send it back and get a new one.

  5. JungleCogs

    January 4, 2017 at 9:44 AM

    Concealed carry is quite popular now (all across the USA). This presents many great new business opportunities… a good thing. However, there are no assurances that all products introduced will be “good things”. The old adage, “Buyer beware” still holds true. One good way to begin that process is to read fair third party reviews as this one.

  6. Shawn Lee

    January 4, 2017 at 8:59 AM

    I got one for Christmas, supposed to fit my P89. this holster is a piece of crap!!! soo disappointing!!!
    trying to get ahold of the company to return it now!!!

  7. bandit

    January 4, 2017 at 7:56 AM

    As for me ” IT SUCKS” Waste of money ‼

  8. RogerB

    January 4, 2017 at 7:22 AM

    Tha mil a second could get you killed in a mil a second. I’d NEVER wear anything like that. No way Jose, Jose might kill me.

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