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[Video] Guy Shoots Homemade Revolving Barrel .38 Derringer



Have you ever wondered how to make a homemade gun? Well, I'm not going to tell you how, because I have no idea how it's done. However, the kid (and I do mean “kid”) in this next video is all about making homemade firearms, and he makes a lot of them. The one he made in this next video is an already built, homemade, hammer fired, double barrel derringer with a a rotating barrel.

He seems to know what he's doing, and takes some necessary safety precautions before he actually shoots it. I can honestly say that, while it is insane, I'm impressed with his ingenuity and ability to make firearms that actually work right in his garage—even if they aren't pieces of art.

Let us know what you think about this guy, the guns he makes, and what you think about him and his abilities/insanity. Here's the video of him firing his homemade .38 special double-revolving barrel derringer:

Originally posted on March 16, 2016 @ 12:42 PM

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