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The Best Revolver For Concealed Carry Handguns | 5 Top Handguns



Feature | Gun in a man's back | The Best Revolver for Concealed Carry Handguns | Top Handguns

Searching for the best revolver for concealed carry? These wheel guns are top rank in functionality and ease of use by expert choice.

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Ranking the Best Revolver for Concealed Carry Handguns

Top Rank Modern Revolvers

There are lots of criteria to look at in choosing the best revolver for concealed carry handguns. Some may prefer power over precision, others go for design over quality.

This post will discuss five of the best ranking concealed carry revolvers considered above average in these categories.

1. Ruger SP101

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The Ruger SP101 from Ruger revolvers has the power to complement the 357 Magnum's power in a smaller frame wheel gun. What gives this gun the edge over its competition is its fine engineering for smooth performance.

It comes with a grip that reduces recoil, making the SP101 ideal for personal defense or a cop's primary weapon.

2. S &W 642

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The Smith & Wesson J-Frame is arguably the most preferred small frame defense revolver today. As a testament to its success, the J-frame line's customization is to be compatible with .22 LR, .22 Magnum®, .38 Special, and even the .357 Magnum loads.

This is hands down, the top-tier model of the J-frame Smith and Wesson revolvers .38, and its alloy frame only weighs 14.6 ounces. However, it is rated for +P rounds, which means it might be difficult for some to control.

RELATED: Open Carry vs. Concealed: Pros And Cons

3. Taurus Judge Public Defender Polymer Revolver

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Considered as the poor man's Taurus Judge, the Public Defender Polymer is not to be underestimated. Its polymer body frame equates to improved handling and accuracy.

This bad boy delivers amazing flexibility and mind-blowing firepower. Why opt for a simple semi-automatic pistol when you can have this beast?

4. Charter 2000 Undercorvette

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The Undercorvette Charter 2000 uses the .32 Magnum H&R which is often in comparison with the .32-20. A .38 bullet is bigger than a .32, but its higher velocity makes it perform better.

What's more, the Charter 2000 is better when it comes to being portable and has top-notch precision.

It's appropriate for gun owners who are sensitive about the gun recoil. The trigger being double-action is average and does not compare to the S&W or Colt.

5. Colt Detective Special

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This double-action gun has a short barrel with a carbon steel frame. Gun enthusiasts call them “snubbies.”

The “Detective Special” moniker was a homage to police detectives dressing like ordinary civilians.

The Detective Special was considered a prototype of the first short-barreled revolvers but with a modern swing-out frame. It was meant for higher-powered cartridges such as the .38 Special.


Want to see these bad boys in action? Check out this video review by God Family and Guns:

These guns, despite their sizes, pack a lot of punch and are more than enough to protect yourself and your family. Keep in mind though to secure it in a safe location within your body to avoid self-inflicted injury.

One last note, owning a concealed carry holster will definitely go a long way if you decide to pack concealed carry guns. If you want to look a bit more badass, perhaps an ankle holster will do the trick.

What's your concealed carry revolver of choice? Share your favorite revolver and why in the comments section below.

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The Best Revolver For Concealed Carry Handguns | Top Handguns |


Editor's Note: This post was originally published on January 18, 2019, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

Originally posted on April 4, 2019 @ 9:00 AM

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  1. GomeznSA

    April 22, 2022 at 4:09 PM

    Oh good grief – ‘updated article – really? I see NO evidence of that, the most recent comment is sell over a year old, a LOT has changed in the six or so years since it first appeared. No wonder there is no by-line on it.
    One example will demonstrate the out dated info: the SP101 is available in .327Federal with SIX rounds instead of just five foe the .357. Can I get a job writing for y’all??

  2. Steven Williams

    January 24, 2021 at 5:41 PM

    I have a EA A windicator snub nose very nice gun ,reliable and with the hoag grips fits nice in the if you have big hands ,ha
    Ve not concealed to carry it yet

  3. Pete Ostergard

    February 11, 2018 at 1:32 PM

    Wife carries a 340SC S&W J Frame. Never fired a .357 mag thru it, just .38 and .38+P. She loves it! Put different grips on it to reduce the recoil a bit and now she wants a laser.

  4. Guntoter

    November 9, 2017 at 5:17 PM

    Ok at different times my go to is a S&W Compact Nickel Classic 38 Model 63..a S&W M&P Shield 9mm and a newly purchased S&W 686 357 Plus Deluxe 3″ awww man life is good.

  5. James S. Jetton

    July 2, 2017 at 10:38 AM

    I carry a Hammerless .357 Ruger SP101 in brushed stainless. Nice sized, solid feel. I find it easier to carry stripper clips and they load easier than my speed loaders. All of these examples are fine carry pieces, it boils down to personal preference. Get some plenty of range time with whatever you choose to carry.

  6. Lewis Byron Chatellier Jr

    June 24, 2017 at 11:04 AM

    I like my little N.E.F H&R .32 Mag R73 +p rated can shoot .32ACP(Just need to pay attention to cylinder wear or ACPs can pass ejector push or just get a moon clip for ACP) , .32Longs, and .32Mag sweet little pistol IMO… I like the 32 cal I feel they should be a little more retentive then they are…

  7. Alpha Male in a Beta World

    May 27, 2017 at 10:51 AM

    This list sucks.

  8. DennisBechtel

    March 19, 2017 at 9:44 PM

    how about a 4inch python satin stainless I carry one from 1992 its the only colt I will shoot besides my o models

  9. Cottersay

    January 10, 2017 at 1:47 AM

    • carroll macintosh

      June 28, 2017 at 11:44 PM

      need a small light weight like 12 once conceal carry revolver my hands are small.

  10. MugsMalone

    January 9, 2017 at 10:32 PM

    S&W Model 19 2 1/2″

  11. MR

    June 3, 2016 at 4:18 PM

    I just bought a .32 Mag Undercoverette to see if my wife likes it better than the TCP 738 semi auto we have. The 9mm and 40 cal pistols are to much for her to handle. The double action trigger pull is long and stiff, but that single action is almost scary light. Just put your finger on the trigger in the single action mode and bang!! At 7yds the accuracy is more than decent. Fit and finish is actually much better than I expected for a budget priced .32 Mag revolver. Wife likes it and so do I, so well worth the $$$ spent.

  12. Jack

    May 24, 2016 at 2:58 PM

    I had a poly hudge and i had to send it in three times before i got rid of it. Revolvers do jam and when they do it is all over. At least you can unjam a glock and keep going. This poly judge locked up three times solid. Had to send it in each time.

  13. Tom Schultz

    May 24, 2016 at 2:03 PM

    Does Colt still make the detective special? Love my sp101.

  14. jay

    May 24, 2016 at 11:41 AM

    Ruger LCRx .38 special 3″ barrel. Also have a S&W model 65-3 .357 Mag 4.5″ barrel

  15. Pat

    May 24, 2016 at 9:52 AM

    I carry a s&w model 60 it’s a little heavy but very reliable

  16. Stu.

    May 24, 2016 at 9:50 AM

    I realize it’s a bit off topic, but for open carry guiding in Alaska we had a .44 magnum stainless steel long barrel Ruger. A 12 gauge with slugs or 00 buck has more stopping power, but you are more likely to be carrying the revolver, “when the bear comes through the cabin window.”
    Cheers! Stu.

  17. Gary C. Smith

    May 22, 2016 at 4:19 PM

    I have a Colt Cobra 38 Police Special 4″ barrel.

  18. Mark

    May 22, 2016 at 1:41 PM

    I purchased one of the 32 Mag Charter Arms snub nosed pistols right after they came out. I was very impressed with the accuracy of the pistol. It fit perfectly in a front pocket of a Saddleman seat cover.
    I was able to bust clay pigeons at 75 yards, off a bench, with this pistol. I would not hesitate on buying another one.

  19. Greg

    January 28, 2016 at 7:38 PM

    What’s your opinion on Taurus judge poly for conceal carry?

    • Joshua Gillem

      January 29, 2016 at 12:46 PM

      Taurus has a lot of negative press surrounding them, lately. Their revolvers are usually fine, however, and can be carried with confidence. I know some people who swear by the Judge, simply because they can’t see all that well and you can load .410 shot shells into them. Therefore, though you still need to aim, it isn’t as crucial because there is a wider shot pattern increasing your chances of hitting an attacker. Now, as far as having a polymer Judge is concerned, if I’m not mistaken, the revolver is reinforced with steel then wrapped in poly. So, you still get the strength of metal, but with some weight savings. Though, from my understanding, the amount of weight saved isn’t all that much. Happy shooting!

    • JNG

      May 25, 2016 at 10:46 AM

      It’s a very *fat* revolver by concealed carry standards, but it’s tough and easy to use, and for the close-range engagements in which CC revolvers are often employed, it’s toward the higher end of effectiveness.

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