Like any reasonably minded person, we're huge fans of Clint Eastwood's film, ‘American Sniper.' And if you haven't already read Chris Kyle's incredible autobiography which inspired the film, drop everything you are doing and GET IT NOW.
After you've read it, come back here to meet the gents from Independent Studio Services, the massive prop warehouse in L.A. which supplied the firearms used in the movie (as well as literally hundreds of other great films). This includes the Remington 700 Custom and the SR-25 from Knight's Armament.
The Rifles
You can see here the complete list of the firearms used in the film. Some of the more familiar rifles are the M24 Sniper Rifle and the M40 Sniper Rifle.
You can say every gun enthusiast got a treat for the interesting lineup of firearms in the film. It definitely showcased some of the best long-range sniper rifles.
Karl Weschta from ISS goes over each in detail, giving you inside knowledge both in the specific firearms Kyle used in his tours, as well as the incredible work which went into creating exact prop replicas of his own personal firearms.
Did you miss Episode 1 of Everything Guns? You can find it RIGHT HERE, where Amy Jane compares three-pocket 9mm handguns: The M&P Shield, Khar Arms PM9, and the Glock 43.
She compares them side by side, and then takes ’em to the range to shoot and really see the differences. Our full episode list will always be HERE!
As an added bonus, Amy will also give you some great insight into top gun-related smartphone apps which will help you take your shooting to the next level.
Watch the full episode on The American Sniper Rifles in this video from Gun Carrier:
Like a small kid in front of a candy store, the film The American Sniper was a treat to gun carrier/enthusiast, indeed. I could only imagine holding themselves back (unsuccessfully) from blurting out what each of the firearms was and what they could do—talk about spoilers!
But, we all just can't help it, especially these days when the sight of these firearms in action are increasingly becoming rare. Well, continue checking out our blogs and video episodes for more of these treats.
Which of the American Sniper Rifles intrigued you the most? Have you tried any of the rifles? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!