SHOT Show is almost here. Can you believe it? I'm making the final preparations, and am getting my gear ready to go to Nevada. I've put the plan in place, and have made sure that I have done everything I can to give you as much information as possible. That way, it'll be like you're there with me, as I'm learning and taking it all in.
Even better, I'll have a small team of professionals with me to film, record interviews and take pictures of all the radical new guns and gear at the show. We'll be posting our content here on Gun Carrier, as well as our YouTube channel so you'll have instant access anytime we put up new content for your viewing pleasures.
I've also been invited to the day at the range, so I can get all of the – pew, pew, pew – time I need and post those videos for you to see everything in action. It's gearing up to be an awesome time with lots of great stuff coming out.
Speaking of new stuff, check out this modern production run of a classic STG-44:

Photo Credit: HMGunworks
In case you weren't sure, this is the first modern AK-looking rifle (yes, I know that's not a thing but it is the best way for me to describe it).
The Sturmgewehr-44 was a Nazi weapon made available during the middle and end of WWII. It was meant to be an intermediary between long distance bolt-action rifles and bigger machine guns. The original rifle's cartridge was 7.92X33, otherwise known as the 7.9 Kurz. This cartridge is shorter and fatter than than what the Soviets would use in their AK-47 a few years later.
This rifle was selective fire, which meant it could send rounds down range at a rate of up to 600 rounds per minute. When in semi-auto, the maximum effective range was about 600 meters. Being that it was built in the early '40s, that ain't too bad—especially when you consider that it could lay down suppressive fire, as well.
HMGunworks decided to take on the challenge of making the STG-44 available to a wider range of people, at a much discounted price. The rifle is said to have modern differences, which I'm looking forward to seeing while I'm at SHOT Show. To be sure, a lot of firearms enthusiasts are concerned that the weapon is drastically different. We'll see.
Some of the differences include the acceptance of a wider range of projectiles being made available to shoot, to include .223, 7.62X39 and .300BLK in addition to the original, not to mention hard to find, 7.92X33.
We are also told that the rifle will accept some modern AR style magazines, which should help the cost factor down the road as you continue to prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
We are told that this rifle will MSRP in the $1,700-$1,800 range, but street price will likely be a bit lower. What will it be like? How different will it be? Will they use the same tilting bolt action? I intend to answer all of these questions for you, and then some. Make sure you stay tuned while Gun Carrier is out at SHOT Show in a couple weeks.
It'll be a blast! (pun intended)