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The Best Concealed Carry Guns For Women

Do you trust your girl enough to handle a firearm? Well, you can’t be there all the time to protect her so check the best concealed carry handguns for women.



Feature | Woman holds a gun inside her bag | The Best Concealed Carry Guns For Women

The ideal concealed carry guns for women are lightweight, compact, and easy to use. Check this list out and decide which firearm suits her.

RELATED: Women’s Self-Defense Options Outside Your Home: Evaluating Concealed Carry Firearms

In this article:

  1. Female-Friendly Handguns
    1. Kimber Pro Carry II
    2. Ruger LCR
    3. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
    4. Glock 26 Gen 3
    5. Smith & Wesson Model 638
    6. Walther CCP
    7. Ruger LC9s

7 Best Concealed Carry Guns for Women

Female-Friendly Handguns

Owning a handgun gives you that peace of mind that you will be safe in case of an emergency. We want the women in our lives to be just as safe, and give them the chance to protect themselves when the situation calls for it.

People should know about the story of Jeanne Assam. This woman saved so many lives by shooting a gunman who opened fire in a church.

Who knows how bad the situation could have gotten if Jeanne wasn't around with her concealed handgun. With that said, here's a list of women's best handguns for concealed carry, and why we think these are the best female-friendly handguns in the market.

1. Kimber Pro Carry II

The Kimber Pro Carry II is popular with all kinds of shooters. Military, law enforcement, and civilian shooters prefer the flatness, width, and the consistently light trigger for shooting accuracy.

It can be beautifully concealed for a .45 ACP firearm.

If you want to go the full tactical route, I suggest you get the Hoffman Richter HR15 tactical folding knife. Grab yours here. 

2. Ruger LCR

The Ruger LCR is one of the top choices for people's list of concealed weapons.

This firearm is pretty standard for a snub-nosed revolver and weighs in at only 13 1/2 ounces, which is extremely light. It's perfect as a concealed handgun for her small hands.

What is a snub-nosed revolver? Also known as “belly gun,” this revolver is built for concealment and maneuverability. These handguns are characterized by having a short barrel of around three inches, regardless of the size of the frame.

3. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield

This is a full power conceal carry gun for self-defense with a safety engagement trigger. It's only 19 ounces, six inches long, and one inch thick.

Other features include an external thumb safety for carrying chamber.

4. Glock 26 Gen 3

Also known as the “Baby Glock”, the Glock 26 is one of the best 9mm for concealed carry. This firearm may not be as attractive as other concealed carry models, but the Glock 26's reliability is unparalleled.

It's perfect for all concealed carry techniques with or without a holster.

RELATED: Guidelines For Concealed Carry Holster Selection

5. Smith & Wesson Model 638

This is one of my favorites and a classic for concealed carry guns. The Smith & Wesson model can be fired double action, or you can cock the hammer and fire it in single action which great for accuracy.

It weighs only 15 oz when unloaded and has a cylinder capacity of five bullets.

6. Walther CCP

The Walther CCP is very comfortable in the hand and a great concealed carry weapon. It has a frame mounted manual safety to make it easy to engage and disengage.

The gun is a bit heavy at 22.33 oz. with a magazine capacity of 8+1.

7. Ruger LC9s

The Ruger LC9s has a new design trigger system with a short and crisp feel to it that makes shooting more accurate. This firearm has a weight of a little over 17 oz. and a length of six inches with a magazine capacity of 7+1.


Watch this video from Green Light Shooting shares best concealed carry guns for women:

So what do you think? I bet the women in your life will surely like these guns just by looking at it.

These handguns are lightweight, compact, and easy to manage so ladies can be just as safe and armed when an emergency strikes.

Can you add more to this list of concealed carry guns for women? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!


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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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  1. Pingback: Ruger GP100 .357 Mag Revolver - Gun Firing

  2. Pingback: Walther CCP | The Best Concealed Carry Guns For Women | – Gun Association Online

  3. Alex Yabrudy

    February 26, 2017 at 9:09 AM

    Lc9s…’s an easy to carry, easy to conceal and quite accurate tool….you can purchasr a 12 round mag for it.

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