A 22 caliber pistol has been a handy training gun for so many years, but is it reliable for practice shooting? Training with a 22 caliber or a 22 pistol revolver has been relevant for so long, and for a good reason. In fact, .22 firearms resembling a 9mm full-size handgun are being made for training purposes these days. This allows the shooter to familiarize himself with what could possibly be a high caliber gun of choice in the future. Obviously, beginners need to start with something less powerful during the learning process. Let's find out the pros and cons of a 22 caliber for shooting practice.
22 Caliber Pistol | Handgun Training Skills
1. Practice Marksmanship
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The resemblance between your training pistol and a standard handgun is great for practice. Training for marksmanship is not limited to using .22 trainers, yet practice shooting with practically the same gun size, sight, and trigger system will provide faster learning.
There are times when you have to shoot with your weak hand when the course of fire dictates. A gun with less recoil such as a 22 caliber will make it easier for you to practice until you transition to guns with more firepower.
.22 caliber ammunition is more affordable compared to 9mm pistols and .45 caliber. This means more live practice in the range and the faster your shooting skills will develop. Although at some point, you also have to train yourself with your standard pistol.
Being able to position your body properly and maintaining a firm platform is essential in handling a firearm. Shooting on the move is a skill which you also have to develop, and a lot easier to learn using a .22 handgun.
1. Managing Recoil
Although practice shooting with less recoil has its advantages, the shooter gets quite used to it and may have a hard time adjusting to a bigger caliber. It seems you will need some training with your regular pistol after all.
2. Rapid Shots on a Target
1911 Dealt Another Blow at IDPA Nationals Photo by Pistol-Training
Using a 22 caliber pistol to train yourself in rapid shooting a single target is not recommended. This is why managing your gun's recoil is very important as it influences your ability to fire the next shot quicker.
This is another example of a skill affected by the recoil of a gun. You have to keep your eyes fixed on the front sight as it rises and falls after you pull the trigger. Avoid practicing this skill with the use of a .22 trainer pistol.
Watch this short video about managing pistol recoil by Cabela's Shooting Park – Videos, Tips, and Tactics:
These are the pros and cons of training with a .22 caliber pistol. Beginners may need to utilize this to learn the basics. But if you're into more serious shooting, it's best to transition early to higher caliber handguns to get yourself used to the kick. The sooner you get into good shooting habits, the faster you improve your shooting skills!
What can you say about the pros and cons of training with a .22 caliber pistol? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Using a 22 for practice is imperative unless you are rich. There were times I would put hundreds of rounds a day down range. And that was with a single shot contender. I now can shoot a handgun better than most avid hunters can shoot a rifle. And I use only steel sights.
October 29, 2017 at 9:32 AM
Using a 22 for practice is imperative unless you are rich. There were times I would put hundreds of rounds a day down range. And that was with a single shot contender. I now can shoot a handgun better than most avid hunters can shoot a rifle. And I use only steel sights.