Emerging Threats
The Glock: Ultimate Gun for Home Defense and Survival?
2 years agoon

Every gun owner has their own opinion about which gun is best. Some believe a Glock is the way to go while others prefer a different type of handgun.
In the end, there is no right answer. It all comes down to your personal preference and the firearm you're most comfortable with.
That said, there are a lot of reasons why the Glock might be a wise investment. There's a reason it's a favorite among law enforcement and many others.
Is the Glock the Ultimate Self-Defense and Survival Weapon?
It is crucial to choose the best gun for home defense. However for the new prepper or survivalist, so many factors need to be considered. With a plethora of choices, where does one begin the selection process?
There are handguns, long guns, pistols, revolvers, shotguns and rifles. There are also many ammunition types and calibers to choose from. Storage will also be factored in because the gun needs to be easily accessible to the owner, but at the same time away from children's reach and hidden from intruders.
- Aluminum water bottle.
- Printed with Glock Perfection Logo on both sides.
- The water bottle holds 28 ounces of water.
With all these choices and variables to consider, choosing a handgun can be a daunting task.
No one can make this decision for you, but we can give you the information you need to make an informed decision.
So here are some reasons to consider choosing a Glock as your primary survival weapon.
To read the full post click here.
Why are Glocks Best and which Model should you Get
Thank you for the excellent website and videos. I find your
information more useful and realistic than any survival sites out
You and others have convinced me about glocks. Maybe you could
Model no/ details for personal defense.
I would also be intrerested in comparison of US states to relocate.
Thanks for all your excellent work
Own several guns but master one: The Glock 17
Why are Glocks Best and which Model should you Get
By TheModernSurvivalist
Hi Manny!
No products found.
Regarding your question about American States, I will write a post about that but I did cover it to some extent in my book “Bugging Out and Relocating”. I go through some of the USA States I like the most, explain why and include charts ranking some of the most important categories. Throughout the book I explain the methodology and criteria to be used to relocate anywhere, within USA or abroad.
Regarding your first question…
As a Licensed Firearms Collector and firearms instructor telling people to own just one gun may sound crazy but if you keep reading you’ll see I have some valid points. Before continuing I’d like to lay down some ground rules. I’m not talking here about collecting firearms. For gun collectors the sky is the limit. Gun collectors can have literally hundreds of guns and still be honestly sure they are still missing a few. Something similar will happen for people that want to hunt different kind of animals and simply can’t do it all with one gun. While a 22LR works well for a great variety of small game animals, it is not suited for hog hunting and the same goes the other way around: You can kill pretty much anything that walks on planet Earth with a 458 Win. Mag. rifle but you can’t go bird hunting with the thing.
via Why are Glocks Best and which Model should you Get | Survival.
The truth is that it is not easy to narrow the choice down to just one option because there is no such thing as the perfect handgun. Just because one person considers the Glock the ultimate weapon, doesn't mean that it is.
One person may have very different needs in a firearm compared to another person.
The situation can also vary. You cannot and should not completely rely on somebody's advice, even if it comes from an expert. People have individual tastes and preferences when it comes to what gun they are comfortable with. Some may prefer a light and small firearm while another might go for a long and powerful one.
With so many guns to choose from, it all comes down to which type you like. But no matter what, you need one that can stop the invaders and is practical and easy to maintain.
- Glock Logo On Front
- Glock In Silver On Sleeve
- 100 Percent Preshrunk Cotton
Whether you go with the Glock or some other firearm, the key is to learn all about whatever gun you choose and become familiar with it, like it is an extension of your body so that when you need to use it, you won’t need to put so much effort.
Check out related articles from our site:
Conceal Handguns in the Home with How to Hide Your Guns
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Originally posted on January 6, 2015 @ 3:45 AM

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Joshua Tackett
January 17, 2015 at 2:51 PM
i like the full size .40 cal Glock. That’s what I carry with me on duty and keep in mind the longer the barrel the more accurate the shot. Also this bar is why I should shoot that caliber it’s because it has the best ratio of speed per weight. I shoot 160 grain. For self-defense make sure you get hollow points. Because you want the projectile to stay in the perpetrator as opposed to going through and then and hitting somebody else. It’s a model 22 and I have Triger con sites which are radioactive glow-in-the-dark sites. Cost about $90 last about 12 years. With the 16 round magazine you can technically have 17 rounds in the gun. Only use 16 it takes pressure off the spring.
January 23, 2015 at 2:35 AM
Again, the 40 S&W is a LEO round and unless you have tens of thousands of rounds stashed, or the components for such, the 40 S&W will be “shot out” in a SHTF situation in 4-6 weeks. Forever! With almost no hope of any resupply. You will own a club. Be Well.
Richard Johnston
January 12, 2015 at 7:45 AM
Glock is one of the most popular Guns available in the market and your post gives some very useful information related to it. While going through your entire post, it also highlights some very important facts about Glock which most of the people are unaware.
January 11, 2015 at 5:29 AM
Have you checked out ruger lc9 or I like my lcr357 and the OCR 38 is extremely light
January 23, 2015 at 2:40 AM
Why? Why would you only want 5 rounds to defend yourself?
January 11, 2015 at 1:11 AM
For home defense you don’t want to lose your hearing, have lead go through walls and kill your family, or require great accuracy when rushing to the gun ahead of the crook. I have a Taurus Judge pistol with various 410 shot gun shells. The 1st shot releases 65-pelletts of #6 shot. Then 2,3,&4 use 3 or 4-bucks with the last round a 45 long. The thought is a rushed shot to the face with bird shot will stop anyone and the tighter pattern of increasingly heavier shot for any partners farther away put 3 or 4 9mm sized lead in motion for every trigger pull. The topic is short range in or near home defense-right?
January 11, 2015 at 1:15 AM
For home defense you don’t want to lose your hearing, have lead go through walls and kill your family, or require great accuracy when rushing to the gun ahead of the crook. I have a Taurus Judge pistol with various 410 shot gun shells. The 1st shot releases 65-pelletts of #6 shot. Then 2,3,&4 use 3 or 4-bucks with the last round a 45 long. The thought is a rushed shot to the face with bird shot will stop anyone and the tighter pattern of increasingly heavier shot for any partners farther away put 3 or 4 9mm sized lead in motion for every trigger pull. The topic is short range in or near home defense-right?
January 17, 2015 at 2:49 AM
No, actually the topic was “ultimate self defense and survival weapon”. YOU have described a “home defense weapon”. Your strategy also involves shooting different shot loads in a specific order, and assuming you do it perfectly, so you don’t get out of order. Even so you have a point for “home defense”. Be Well.
January 10, 2015 at 9:58 PM
I’m a novice shooter and have decided on a Glock as my favorite handgun. I took a 4 day training class at Front Sight (outside Vegas) and the man who developed the program uses a 40 cal clock. I wanted a little more power than the 9mm. Also, for awhile 9mm ammo was hard to come by. 40 cal was never a problem. The Glock fits nicely in my hand and I feel my hands “swallow” a smaller weapon. Finally, a local dealer told me,”I don’t keep Glock parts in stock because they never break.” The 1911 is a great gun, but a firearms instructor said,”There are a lot of parts and springs in it and it can spend a lot of time in the shop. It was developed in 1911″ Good luck!
January 17, 2015 at 3:12 AM
@Bill; FYI, if you read my overly verbose post above, I made the point that the “most common” ammo is 9mm. If you had some local issues during the shortage, it was “uncommon”, as most of the available ammo was 9mm. I don’t like .40 S&W because it is almost exclusively, LEO ammo. I teach concealed handgun classes and can quote the most common ammo used by students, as well as the most common ammo out in the world at large, used by LEOs and the military, and it is 9mm. If there is a real TSHTF situation, all the .40S&W will be shot up in the first month or so. Everybody has raised hell about the misinformation about the DHS ordering billions of rounds of ammo (without doing the math) and I’m stoked that they use .40S&W….cuz they will be out when everyone else (me) has 9mm. Does .40S&W have more kinetic energy? Yes. If that was the criteria then use .45 ACP, why would you limit yourself. People say that 9mm is wimpy…yet, no one has offered to let me shoot them with it first and then they can shoot me with their ammo. Nine mm provides the round count, commonality, abundance and REASONABLE lethality, and OVERALL is a better round when ALL THINGS ARE CONSIDERED. Ammunition by commonness of manufacture is, in order for pistols, .22LR, 9mm, .38/.357mag, .45 ACP, .40 S&W, .380 ACP .32 ACP, .44mag. When you take into account that Glock sells more 9mm, THAN ALL THEIR OTHER MODELS COMBINED…well, that speaks for itself and is consistent throughout the industry as far as demographics. If you like .40 S&W that’s fine, just remember, that for a “ultimate self defense and survival weapon” the ability to “keep shooting” when everyone else is out is what determines the “best” part of that. Be Well.
January 10, 2015 at 9:32 PM
As much as this will irritate some, there is a “best” handgun and a 2nd best etc. People will say all sorts of things to “offset” their personal bias and then seek to prove their choice is the best. Now I can’t prove that I haven’t manipulated things to do the same thing, but I have a system which alleviates the “bias” issue. First, the best gun you have is the one in your hand when when bullets fly…rather obvious. And, of course, always bring a gun to a gun fight. Moving past the cliches to the meat. A candidate for perfect(OR BEST) handgun should have, common ammo, easy to shoot, adequate firepower, easy to clean, easy to maintain, easy to repair, very durable (high MTBF), easy to shoot by the average person and lastly be easily supported (logistics). I am a 1911A1 maven, fan, enthusiast etc. I like steel, single action, autos. The most comfortable pistol I’ve held is a Hi-Power. So here goes. Nine mm is the caliber that is common. All NG, Reserves and AD carry 9mm. Almost half of all PDs, most HPs and SDs carry issue nines. 9mm increases your probability to re-supply in SHTF. The same goes for the make…Glock outnumbers anyone else. If you can’t shoot a 9mm Glock (assuming an IQ of 100+ and avg strength) then you are dangerous or a special circumstance. The function of a Glock, when properly instructed, is simple and dependable. G26 and G19 will all hold G17 mags which provide the firepower. At some point ROUND COUNT MATTERS more than caliber and sure .45 would be better… but 9mm wins! To clean, maintain, repair and support is very easy. If you can put an AR together, a detail stripped 1911, a somewhat complicated piece of machinery (or learn this) you can repair, clean and support a Glock. Call S&W, SA, Colt, FN, Ruger, Taurus, etc. and ask to purchase fire control parts so YOU can install them and see what kind of response you get..it’ll be NO. You can buy all the parts for the Glock either stock or custom and replace them yourself. The only other handgun that you can do this with is a 1911A1 sort of. This is not to say that you can’t repair the others IF YOU HAD THE PARTS, it is getting the parts that is the problrm. Due to liability most mfg’ers won’t sell you those parts. Durability…ha, hands down the Glock. Wheel gun life cycles are measured in 1,000s of rounds. Good semis are measured in 10s of thousands of rounds. S&W, the king of wheel guns will tell you that at about 15k rounds you should send it in for a rebuild…call’em. The only firearm I’ve had stop, dead, at my Concealed Instructor cert. was a S&W M27. Love the gun but it locked up solid. Wheel guns lack of failure is a myth, especially at high round counts with high velocity and recoil…357s. The MBTF for Glock is is over 33k rounds. That’s for the first failure! The LIFE CYCLE of the 1911A1 frame is 20k-25k rounds…THE FRAME. A G19 is the hands down choice for a “last forever” firearm to pass down to you grand kids after TSHTF. Adding a G26 gives you the latitude to use G26 mags as well. Women, full sized teens and all but the largest men can easily shoot the Glock 19. The Gen four has replaceable backstraps for sizing the grip to the shooter. If the object of the “best” handgun is to be adaptable, durable, shootable and all the other things I listed, the Glock 19 (the G26 should be but it is too small for me) is it. I have one and it shoots better than I thought it would or I would and I actually like it (gen4 G19). Do I like my HP and 1911A1 more, yes, BUT LIKE IS NOT SURVIVING THE SHTF! The evidence outweighs my OPINION. Be Well.
Viet Vet
January 10, 2015 at 3:32 PM
I hate glocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gaston glock is a NAZI! He hates Americans. He is a slimeball in his business practices. Being part Jew I will have NOTHING to do with him or his products.
January 23, 2015 at 2:27 AM
Actually, he is not a Jew. His business practice’s are not related to the U.S. and are almost entirely connected to his European holdings. So, is it the gun or the man that you hate. Neither of which is a rational reason for not choosing a Glock.
Ray Jennings
January 10, 2015 at 3:29 PM
never owned a glock and probably never will..
I use a hi-point 40 as it is all I can afford being disabled and on a fixed income..
so it is not the firearm..it is what you can afford and will use..
January 10, 2015 at 1:50 PM
I own a few Glocks. I think they are the most reliable semi-auto handgun on the market and have been since their inception. I say this from experiencing malfunctions with other manufacturers. A Glock will utilize almost every ammo you feed it. Just be careful of non-jacketed lead projectiles. Glocks rifling is not designed for straight lead bullets. If that’s al you have when SHTF you will be ok. Just clean th barrel after 75-100 rounds (I’m no armor I’m just speaking from experience(.
John whitlock
January 10, 2015 at 11:56 AM
I’m curious, does Glock make a 22 cal.?
January 23, 2015 at 2:23 AM
No, they don’t. There may be conversion kits, but Glock does not make a .22 dedicated handbun.
Lucy Mauterer
January 10, 2015 at 11:36 AM
I am a 62 year old female and carry a S&W 380 Bodyguard. Its light, the carriage is easy to pull back, it has a short barrel so easy to conceal, although the short barrel makes it less accurate and have a larger recoil, still it works best for me. The price point was in range as well, no pun intended. Everyone has different needs. I would suggest going to a range and trying out several different guns before buying anything. Most ranges will rent you a weapon. That way, you’ll get a feel for what feels good in your hand and how it fires.
January 10, 2015 at 9:57 AM
kimber and Sig sauer i think are the best. I had a glock 22 i hated it. i would never buy another plastic gun again. Out of the box it never would shoot at point of aim. JUNK
January 23, 2015 at 2:21 AM
Maybe you just can’t shoot properly. My observation as an instructor over 25 yrs+ has been that most people have never been taught to shoot properly. If that is taken care of the rest takes care of itself.
Justin B.
January 7, 2015 at 8:20 AM
I have used many handguns. From the 1911 to the Beretta 9mm to the Springfield XD and the Glock 17 and 21. Of all the handguns I have used nothing captured my heart like the Styer M9. It has a very good balance of everything that makes all of those other weapons popular. Mine chambers the 9mm so ammo is everywhere and moderately priced. It holds 15+1 so you have plenty of chances to hit something if you need them and good accuracy so you probably won’t. It has a lighter trigger pull than the Glock and the trapezoid sights make getting on target fast pretty easy.
January 7, 2015 at 11:31 AM
I have always been a ruger man until my dad gave me a glock model 26 for Christmas never had a misfire shot it about 1500 shots ! And it will out shoot my lcp’s
January 6, 2015 at 5:16 PM
So so many supporting arguments. I for one think the best firearm for self protection is the closest one to you. I for one am most proficient with a revolver. But however would choose a high capacity semi auto.
Frank "RamBoze"
January 6, 2015 at 4:40 PM
PS: And by the way, while we are discussing Glocks, I do own one, it’s an Glock 17. It originally belonged to my wife, but she always had difficultly with it and thought it was broken and didn’t work properly. Every mag she went through the weapon would “stove pipe” and she could not figure out why. I explained to her that she was not gripping it tightly enough, this is a problem with some women, and a few men. As with many auto loaders, if you do not keep a firm grip while firing the gun may “stove pipe”, that is it will catch the empty casing as it leaves the chamber in the slide, usually sideways, hence the term “stove piping” the empty casing facing strait up or out to the side appearing like a stove pipe. This is why it is so important to keep a firm grip while firing, as well it also helps in hitting your target. Shalom
January 10, 2015 at 8:29 PM
Frank, with all due respect, the stove piping comes from “limp wristing” the Glock. You can grip it as tight as you want and still do that. The key to this is to teach (I have been a shooting instructor for over 25 yrs) a two handed grip that inhibits the movement of the wrist. Almost every woman that I have taught that had a 17 or a 19 has had the stove pipe issue. Simply modifying their grip, explaining the physics to them and a little practice and they no longer have the problem. Be Well.
Frank Boze
January 6, 2015 at 4:08 PM
“The Best Handgun For Self Defense?” Well, agree or not, the best handgun for self defense is the one in your hand at the time that you need it!!!! I have several pistols ranging from 380, 9mm, Five7, 357mag, and 45 ACP, and a few more laying around the ranch. And when I say “laying around” I don’t mean in plain sight. I’m a firm believer in always having a weapon within easy reach, so I’ve strategically placed several weapons in various places both inside the home and outside, places I’m most likely to be at one time or another. So here is the gig, there not all the same caliber, some are auto loaders, some are wheel guns. My preference with a wheel gun is an S&W 686, 357mag, seven round cylinder, stainless, with laser grips, hard to beat, (but I do love my 357 Python, easily the best 357 wheel gun ever made) easy to operate and maintain, and everything that can be said about a 357mag has already been said, and proven time and time again.
So be familiar with all of your weapons, you never know when you will need one, and where you will be when you do. I also carry, I like my Kimber PRO CDP II, it is slim and fits very nicely behind me in the small of my back, and we all know what a 45ACP with Hydra-Shok will do to an attacker! I always have an extra mag, no fancy mag pouch for me, I just slip it into my off-hand back pocket, I have found that it is much quicker to retrieve than carrying an extra mag pouch, and the slim 45 mag is hardly noticeable. So whatever you choose, whatever you prefer, just remember: keep them clean, loaded, and within easy reach. Oh, one more thing, I really, really like my Five7, talk about breaking the speed limit, and most folks who are unfamiliar with weapons just think it’s another 22 cal. pistol, one look at that tiny barrel and their not impressed at all, well, their tough luck should they be on the business end of that tiny barrel, surprise, surprise, fooled you fool!!! Shalom
January 6, 2015 at 12:44 PM
Most of the hoopla about Glocks can be attributed to marketing. As you point out in the article and others have said, it’s really about what works for the individual. That said, I think it’s sad that the marketing, including your title and comments in the article, lead people to believe that Glock has somehow created the “ultimate self-defense handgun.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The ultimate self-defense handgun is the one you will carry and use because it fits you and you like it. Accuracy helps of course. SIG 229 and P290RS for me thanks!
January 6, 2015 at 12:16 PM
I wonder if their are lighter weight hand guns you would recommend? I’ve had carpal tunnel surgery and can’t handle a large handgun anymore. I’ve been to gun shows trying to find the perfect gun. Everyone has different ideas according to what they have in stock.
January 6, 2015 at 11:24 AM
I choose the Smith & Wesson M&P. That’s my personal preference . But that said you can’t go wrong with a Glock either
Jerry Y.
January 6, 2015 at 11:06 AM
the best gun for self defense is one that fits you, that you’re comfortable firing accurately and have access to a good supply of ammo, the only way to tell is to fire what you’re thinking about purchasing, just because one can handle a .45 does’t make it the best for all!
January 6, 2015 at 10:50 AM
I concur,a light weight semiautomatic hand gun is best for people who are unacoustomed to a gun . I prefer a big bore revolver,never jams, substantial weight holds down recoil. To each their own. Thanks another thought provoking article.
Alan Robinson
January 7, 2015 at 8:22 AM
Those who are “unaccustomed” to a gun wouldn’t be proficient in how to handle the many problems with an auto, such as failure to feed, extract, eject, come to battery, and so on.
The very type you tout is in fact, the better choice due to simplicity of design and use.
The auto, by its more complex design and function, requires more training and skill to use EFFECTIVELY in ALL situations.
It is NOT the gun for those who are “unaccustomed” at all.
I dont understand why you don’t see that.
January 6, 2015 at 10:29 AM
Nope, Smith and Wesson M-686 with a 6″ barrel in .357 magnum if you please.
Can I have another one just for the l’il wife?
Smith and Wesson M-640 .357 magnum.
Oh My how about a back up?
A Smith and Wesson M-60 with a 3 inch barrel in yup, .357 magnum.
January 6, 2015 at 10:18 AM
Great back and forth on, my favorite, regardless of model, most don’t know that there are three safeties in your Gock, your releasing each as you squeeze that trigger, the only thing left, find the reset as you fire, in minutes your drilling the same hole or at least very close!
January 6, 2015 at 9:44 AM
Springfield 1911 GI 45 acp hands down. Affordable, easy to find replacemnet parts, time proven design, good stoping power, been tested on the battle fields many times.
Robert Fisher
January 6, 2015 at 9:43 AM
Damn….this is CANADA eh!