Gun Modifications: Things to Know When Adding Accessories to an AR-15 Rifle
AR-15 Rifle Modifications
Gun modifications for AR-15's can't easily be judged by one individual because, in the end, it's up to the gun owner to decide what their modifications are and where they are placed.
Some gun mod happen because the owner doesn't know any better or have never been asked why they do it, while other mods are hyper-specific to body type and dexterity.
Just like most semi-automatic rifles, there will be parts you'll love and components that may need a bit of modification. Every shooter has his own specifications when it comes to their firearms.
We want to improve the parts that can be vital to the performance of the weapon. AR-15 rifle accessories don't have to be flashy, just make sure you use the right gun modifications for your intended purpose.
There are old gun parts that need to be modified to make your weapon better in terms of firepower, accuracy, comfortability, and whatnot. That said, here are some AR-15 accessories dos and don'ts when it comes to mod placement and effectiveness.
1. AR-15 Optics
If you think your stock iron sights are already good enough, wait until you upgrade it. Putting optics in an AR-15 is one of common gun mod a shooter make.
What is an iron sight? A standard metallic sighting device for most firearms (rifles and handguns) used to help in the shooter's aiming and accuracy.
Optics are arguably an essential component to enhance a shooter's accuracy. Use a red dot for fast and effective target acquisition.
Do place your optics as far forward as possible on your weapon – this way, you see more of your target and less of the housing. It will also allow you to see your red dot easier if you've included red dot optics in your scope choice.
Don't place your optics so far at the back that you can no longer fit on your iron sights.
Iron sights are a reliable option if your optics ever go down. It serves as a great backup because broken optics render the AR-15 useless when it comes to accurate shooting. Iron sight offers unflinching durability.
Do have backup iron sights. Optics are a luxury and can break or run out of power. Always have iron sights as a backup.
Don't place your iron sights forward on your rail. The further apart your sights are the better your sight radius will be.
The way a semi-automatic rifle feels in your hands plays an indispensable role in the level of comfort when shooting. If the grip doesn't feel right, you will spend a lot of time adjusting your hands instead of focusing on your target. Using vertical grips can reduce recoil and maintain accuracy.
Do place your vertical grips forward on your AR-15.
Don't place your vertical grips far back. The only purpose for using this gun accessory would be when clearing buildings. You can always place your hand on your magazine well.
Mounting a flashlight to your tactical weapon such as an AR-15 is ideal, especially if you'll use it as a home defense weapon. A flashlight enhances accuracy when shooting in the dark.
Know how to position the flashlight on the rifle not only for vision in the dark but for tactical purposes as well.
Do mount your flashlight as far forward as possible. The further up your light is the less of a shadow you will create. The less shadow, the less visible you are when it is on.
Don't mount it far back or take it off. Just because you have a light doesn't mean you need to have it on. Better to have one and be visible than not have one and have no vision or target identification.
Looking for more gun modification for your AR-15? Watch this video from 704 TACTICAL and find out the best and worst accessories you can get on a budget:
AR-15s are one of those semi-automatic rifles that have a sheer number of accessories available and almost every part is replaceable. A few rifle modifications and you can turn this weapon into an even more powerful killing machine.
An AR-15 is not only built as an assault rifle but also a vicious self-defense weapon. Don't hesitate to give it more power.
Do you know more AR-15 gun modifications? Share it with us in the comments section below!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in July 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Originally posted on March 1, 2019 @ 9:00 AM
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George B
August 21, 2017 at 6:20 PM
Concealed carry: Use a slingshot instead of a .380 and you will get just as much firepower and into less trouble with the law. (The 38 used to be called a widow maker). George
About the optics, a gunsmith told me that while it’s good to mount your red dot as far forward as you can it’s best to not mount it on the barrel where it’s subject to heat. He said it’s best to mount it as far forward on your receiver as possible. Just sayin…
George B
August 21, 2017 at 6:20 PM
Concealed carry: Use a slingshot instead of a .380 and you will get just as much firepower and into less trouble with the law. (The 38 used to be called a widow maker). George
November 21, 2017 at 4:37 AM
There are still a lot of people pushing up daisies the world over due to rounds like .380 ACP and 7.65mm.
Ronnie Bailey
February 28, 2017 at 6:40 PM
You clear rooms when there may be an intruder in your house and the only law enforcement is 15 minutes away at best. You just lost ALL credibility.
July 22, 2015 at 11:01 PM
About the optics, a gunsmith told me that while it’s good to mount your red dot as far forward as you can it’s best to not mount it on the barrel where it’s subject to heat. He said it’s best to mount it as far forward on your receiver as possible. Just sayin…