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Exclusive SL Air Gun For Sale: The Girandoni Rifle



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Searching for an air gun for sale? Continue reading this post and find out what the Girandoni rifle has to offer.

RELATED: Air Rifles | How This Simple Weapon Could Save Your Life

In this article:

  1. Girandoni Rifle
  2. Air Gun Price
  3. Pros
  4. A Few Minor Cons

Air Gun for Sale | Girandoni .22 Caliber

Girandoni Rifle


A friend of mine sent me a link to a site awhile back that showed a man taking down a full-grown hog using only a pellet gun. I thought: “this can’t be real…”

How can something that isn’t much bigger than a grain of rice take down a massive feral hog?

I started doing a little bit of research on my various options in the air gun shop, turns out, it is completely true if said pellet is traveling at 1250 feet per second (many .22 caliber rimfire rifles only reach around 1100-1200 fps). I decided to pick up one of these air rifles and give it a test.

But where do I begin?

I spent months of researching and talking with manufacturers before finding the “right one.” But today I think I have found it.

It’s called the Girandoni.

There are multiple calibers and velocities these things come with. I want the .22 caliber, for the ease of access to ammo and the higher knockdown than the .177 (at the sacrifice of a little velocity, which I think is a fair trade-off).

Air Gun Price

With prices ranging from $80- $800, I did everything I could to make sure I got the best price, without sacrificing quality. I spent countless hours negotiating with the manufacturer to get the price down…

Once I finished all of that, I picked up my prototype and headed out to my grandparents’ home for a little target practice.

After several hours of testing, here is what I have found about the Girandoni.

RELATED: Rifle Shooting Tips & Techniques | 11 Surprising Things New Rifle Shooters Need To Know


  • The synthetic stock is rubberized and has a good grip; since this is a break action style rifle, it is an incredible asset to not slip when you are loading it.
  • It’s also lighter than wood and won’t split or rot.
  • Cheap ammo (roughly $.003 per round!)
  • A large variety of ammo. I found at least 10 different varieties of .22 caliber ammunition sitting on the shelf.
  • Low maintenance. This gun does not actually “fire,” and as such, there is little to no residue and not much requirement for maintenance. The only thing you will need to do is add a couple of drops of oil every 100-200 shots fired and the occasional cleaning out of the barrel.
  • No waiting period. This is about the best pro I can think of, you can pick this rifle up off the shelf and buy it without any type of registration or waiting period (Check your local laws to verify this). There are currently no laws requiring a background check on airguns, at least not here in Texas.

A Few Minor Cons

  • Accuracy. The first 75-100 shots have very bad accuracy. This is a normal break-in period for just about any air rifle and can be frustrating. BUT just stick to it and fire through your “testing” period and you will be amazed at how accurate this thing is even over 100 yards!
  • Stiff cocking mechanism. It takes about 30lbs of pull in order to break over the barrel and load the pellet. Make sure your hands are out of the way when you cock it. I was unfortunate enough to catch one of my knuckles several weeks ago (my own fault) and it’s still sore.
  • Single Shot. Unless you go with the more expensive PCP (Pre-Charged Pneumatic), your normal break-action gun will only hold one pellet at a time. This can be very taxing on your morale when you are trying to take down a few squirrels and are forced to reload after each shot. (again a little practice goes a long way)

What is Pre-Charged Pneumatic? Guns that use air pressure to fire ammunition. The air is charged from a separate device.

Check out this video about the Girandoni air rifle by the NRA National Firearms Museum:

An air rifle like the Girandoni I purchased is great for practice and small game. Once the gun has been sighted in, you should be able to kill any small game with no problem.

Just bear in mind that most small game has a successful kill spot of around 1”. This means you need to practice.

If you have the right ammo and a well-placed shot, you could potentially take down larger game like a hog — but please do so at your own risk.

Even if you do have other rifles for larger game and self-defense, the inexpensive and highly available ammo will make this an extremely useful gun to have on hand in a survival situation — and a perfect training rifle for children.

Would you say the Girandoni rifle is a must-buy for gun owners? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!


Buy the Girandoni air rifle exclusively through Survival Life and the American Gun Association NOW!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 14, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

Originally posted on September 2, 2019 @ 9:00 AM

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  1. tc lottery

    February 16, 2025 at 1:54 PM

    This Girandoni rifle looks incredible! I’ve always been fascinated by the history behind it. Can’t wait to see more details on its performance and the ordering process. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Michael Cook

    February 1, 2022 at 6:58 PM

    I ordered this rifle. When it finally arrived, they bought a .177 cheap gamo, & they turned the box inside out, taped it & shipped it. This company is not American ripping people off. The people working there are pieces of trash. I called & they told me I would not get what I paid for. Someone needs to turn them in to every agency possible.

  3. Thomas

    May 13, 2021 at 8:48 PM

    these people are scamming the rifle they sent me was a piece of cheap junk i returned it an of course they never sent me the gun i ordered or my money back.

  4. Robert

    April 16, 2021 at 9:11 AM

    Fraudulent. These are Chinese knock offs. This company and American Gun Association (and probably others) are selling this crap.

  5. Tom Resnick

    April 15, 2021 at 12:20 PM

    I’ve been reading the comments on this rifle and the company and I am very dubious about both at this point. At this point I am expecting to go through my credit card company to nullify the charge. I’ll give it a chance, but my expectation is very low,

  6. Noah

    November 21, 2020 at 10:45 AM

    I love air rifles but I’m not buying an $80 Crosman from you for $150+

  7. Allan Potts

    February 7, 2018 at 4:20 PM

    I saw the Lewis & Clark Girandoni at Robert Beeman’s Airgun Museum in Santa Rosa before his death, which has resulted in its closure. The low price of the Ultra Girandoni tipped me to its lack of–very disappointed he would assign his name to to such a lack of production.

  8. barry

    February 2, 2018 at 12:33 PM

    The gun I ordered was in fact a Girandoni, but in fact I did not get that one I got a Xisico XS25S and after shooting it and reading some of these comments I do agree w/ most but it is very accurate. I shot at 50 feet and hit the bull both times using a pellet trap rated for 22 Cal pellet guns.. Well I have a pump crossman 22 pellet gun and it does not dent the back of the pellet trap like this one does. Even w/ cheap flat tip pellets it made 2 huge dents in the back of the pellet trap. I now found some round lead 22 cal pellets and they are really bad. BUT as one prson said they are pellet guns, nothing more nothing less. They are what they are and DO NOT replace pistols or centerfire rifles. Or even rim fire rifles.

  9. trickrider

    February 2, 2018 at 12:28 PM

    Let the Buyer Beware.. i wouldn’t buy anything from these folks

  10. trickrider

    February 2, 2018 at 12:22 PM

    i had the same experience… except i never got the gun either.

  11. Anonymous

    November 21, 2017 at 5:03 PM

    Another benefit of using an air rifle is simply that it is quiet. There are times when that alone might save your life….

  12. michael shirley

    November 15, 2017 at 4:59 PM

    Still waiting for my Girandoni. If it doesn’t work well will reconsider doing business with Survival Life.

  13. Jeff Schwersinske

    June 3, 2017 at 2:20 PM


  14. Jim

    September 9, 2016 at 8:11 PM

    I bought this rifle for my son’s 14th birthday. We received it yesterday and took it to the range today to try it out. We only shot off 20 rounds and the insides where the barrel breaks for loading broke. the ball bearing and the spring in the plastic holder came out and the plastic holding it in was broken. This is a piece of junk. I called AGA where I bought it at and cannot get anywhere on their phone. It is automated and gives you choices for sales, return and refunds, etc. Doesn’t matter which you pick, there is silence, then it says “goodbye”. Looks like I will have to go through my credit card to get my money back.

  15. Nick Greenwood

    March 1, 2016 at 3:34 PM

    I have to say I bought one of these Girandoni air rifles in hopes it would shoot straighter than my .17 cal gamo silent cat.
    This thing hit a bullseye on my first shot.
    I was so happy with it I had to write a review even before I took any more shots. LOL
    If this continues to perform like this I will give nothing but 5 star reviews!
    p.s. I could not find anywhere else on your site to give a proper review.
    Thanks, Nick

    • Shane Huston

      September 7, 2016 at 8:49 AM

      How’s your air rifle working today?

  16. Gary Barrett

    February 16, 2016 at 1:58 PM

    I bought one a while back, it’s a tough little rifle that appears solid and dependable providing there’s never any trouble w/ the piston. It might kill a hog w/ a perfect shot to the exact spot but I wouldn’t buy it expecting to hunt hogs. I love that there isn’t Co2 involved and also that you don’t have to pump it multiple times. It looks like it will last, time will tell but I recommend it. Yeah, it’s Chinese, I don’t like that and wasn’t aware it would be from there but like I said, “it appears solid and reliable”. Small game or varmints wouldn’t be a problem at all. Also it’s a 22 caliber pellet which is different than most, heavier, deadlier than the standard ,177.

  17. William S Anderson

    July 3, 2015 at 12:08 PM

    [email protected]

    I DO appreciate your promoting air rifles, but whomever told you a .22 800 FPS Air Rifle could fell a wild boar was setting up one of your customers for injury or death. I suggest you remove that claim!

    • rueangel

      February 4, 2017 at 12:20 AM

      I agree. Even hinting that any pellet gun is in anyway a ,..’proper’,.. gun to use on anything larger than a jackrabbit, is bogus, & there is ,.NO,..justification for the seller’s making such a claim that theses types of guns are suitable for anything other than the very smallest of game

      I did order one of these guns, but that was before I checked this guy out with the BBB & found that he had an ‘F’ rating,.The gun has arrived at my Post Office, but I haven’t picked it up yet. My thinking being,that If I don’t pick in up, & just return it, I can save the return shipping cost.
      But then, considering this guys record, of dis-honest business practices, I am concerned that he might just stiff me, on the refund, but if I keep the gun, I will have , at least ,something for my money.

      Accordingly, I would appreciate, hearing from anyone who has actually seen one of these guns or who has ever tried to return something to this outfit

      My email addy is,…[email protected]

      • Ellen

        March 22, 2017 at 8:21 PM

        Did you pick your gun up. What do you think of it?

        • Chieftain Laird William Gillespie

          December 16, 2017 at 5:22 PM

          Got a Ruger .22 at WalMart. Cost less, and is a great rifle. Sight is good. Well worth the money, except for having to load EVERY pellet again and again. Not the best method. Lots of power, but would not go boar hunts with it.

  18. Kurtice Maguire

    June 26, 2015 at 1:36 PM

    This rifle is a rip off. They send you a Chinese rifle that costs $110 brand new from the manufacturer!!! They claim it’s a Girandoni that costs $400, but it’s a Xisico X25XS. It’s not powerful enough to take down a hog, that’s total bull@*^%!!!! Then they won’t even let me speak to someone who can tell me why they are ripping people off. I’m beyond pissed at this company right now!

  19. Willie R. Gillis

    June 17, 2015 at 5:22 AM

    <-+++++++ My buddy's sister makes $77 an hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for seven months but last month her pay check was $19423 just working on the internet for a few hours. Visit Website. She actually started four months ago and pretty much immediately began to make more than $715… Every week. Find out here n0w –


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