Is the Common Core doing the youth a favor by providing learning materials that aim to promote stricter gun laws? Read on and give yourself something to think about your individual right to own a gun.
Common Core Approach to Gun Control Issues
The Common Core Study Guide on Gun Debate
Common Core backers are sneaking a social and political agenda into a nationalized curriculum, say, critics, who now have new ammo in a writing lesson plan for teachers that they say gives a slanted perspective of the gun debate.
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A study guide dubbed, “The Battle Over Gun Control,” authored by KQED, a northern Californian affiliate of National Public Radio, and the nonprofit, taxpayer-subsidized National Writing Project, states that “moderate gun control” measures introduced following the Sandy Hook school massacre were deep-sixed by the “powerful political influence” of the NRA. Second Amendment advocates say the wording, in supplemental material designed to help teachers plan instruction, frames the debate in a one-sided fashion aimed at influencing young minds.
“The issue took center stage in December, when a lone gunman entered an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., killing 20 children and six adults in one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history,” reads an intro from the guide. “Yet, months down the line, the issue remains highly controversial: An attempt to enact moderate new gun control measures this spring was voted down in the Senate, due in part to the powerful political influence of gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association.”
The constitutional right to bear arms is facing a lot of challenges due to past and recent mass shootings. This sparked various national entities to raise their concern about the need for more restrictive gun laws. The Common Core writing standards are no exception to this with the aim to educate students more on the evolution of gun rights.
A tragic incident at a school in Newton, Connecticut last December 2012 prompted calls for new gun control measures. 20-year-old Adam Lanza open-fired in an elementary school killing 26 people, most are first-graders. The mentally ill gunman took his own life afterward. It is said that gun rights groups with powerful influence are responsible for the failure to impose new firearm restrictions.
Knowing the Facts
Although gun enthusiasts are not happy with changes that would limit them from their usual freedom, students also deserve to be aware of the advantages and repercussions of the Second Amendment. It's a Common Core controversy that goes against some recent gun laws. The youth are entitled to know about facts and information that concern them and the community they live in. This is what the Common Core standards are aiming to provide as part of their teaching goals.
Watch this video by History about the Second Amendment – the right to keep on bear arms:
The facts in “The Battle Over Gun Control” may tend to influence the young minds about the need for stricter gun laws. I think the learning material provides appropriate content for students. It may not all be favorable for gun owners, but it gives a clear view of why we need to take the topic seriously. The young ones will learn in the process and create their own approach in years to come.
What do you think about this gun control study guide by Common Core? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!