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Holsters & Slings

All Carry Holsters: 3 Must-Have Properties



Feature | All Carry Holsters: 3 Must-Have Properties

Different brands of holsters feature competitive styles and design qualities. But basically, there are only three properties you have to consider when choosing this accessory. Read on to know what they are!

In this article:

    1. What Your Handgun Holster Must Have
      1. Retention
      2. Trigger Guard Safety
      3. Comfort
    2. Other Factors You Can Consider When Choosing a Holster

3 Properties of Holsters You Need to Know


What Your Handgun Holster Must Have

What Your Handgun Holster Must Have | All Carry Holsters: 3 Must-Have Properties
We've all been there — looking down at a drawer of a box that holds all of the tried, yet not true pistol holsters we hoped would be the one that could last a lifetime. Yet, they all somehow fell short. Something was not right. Not perfect enough to make it the winner you had hoped it will be. That said, here are three things all holsters must have, no matter what:

1. Retention

The gun should not be loose, wiggly, or have extra room in the holster. Proper retention — knowing the gun is secure if you have to tuck and roll, yet, will release perfectly into your hand when you intentionally grab and pull on the grip, is essential.

Adjustable retention tops the chart of the preferred factors to this accessory. This is when you can tighten screws to get it JUST RIGHT for your liking. Modern holsters offer more safety features where individuals other than yourself won't have easy access to your handgun.

2. Trigger Guard Safety

A material that completely covers the trigger and trigger guard is another imperative aspect of a properly designed holster. They form part of a solution to keep the trigger secured and safely covered. Avoid materials that allow you to press a finger anywhere near the trigger while holstered at all costs.

3. Comfort

Lastly, the holster should be comfortable enough to wear over long periods or as your everyday carry option. Whether you choose to carry inside or outside of the waistband, appendix carry or other options such as ankle carry, being comfortable should be a priority. You should seek to be as comfortable as possible, depending on what activities you are doing and how you are carrying your weapon.

Other Factors You Can Consider When Choosing a Holster

These properties of a holster may be only secondary to our three must-haves, but they are also worth looking into and they can point you towards your personal preference. Here are the other properties you might also want to look into:

  • Concealment
  • Finish
  • Adjustability
  • Price
  • Durability
  • Draw ease
  • Ease of reholstering


Watch this video by Tampa Carry Concealed Carry Classes for the top 10 concealment holsters of 2018:

A pistol holster may be of least importance compared to the pistol itself but considering its most essential properties and features are important if you must pick one. With a number of gun holster brands, picking the one for you can sometimes get you lost. In future articles, we will dig deeper into carrying options and other holster-specific topics. For now, we leave you with these essential properties and qualities for your guidance in choosing a holster.

Does your current EDC holster cover our three must-haves? Leave a comment below and share this article on social media to be a part of the discussion!

Up Next: Ammo Lingo Part II: Understanding +P Ammunition

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Contact Steve Albrecht at [email protected] or on Twitter @DrSteveAlbrecht


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on September 20, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

Originally posted on December 18, 2018 @ 9:00 AM

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  1. Tom O'Neill

    September 28, 2017 at 8:06 AM

    I carry appendix IWB in leather. No noise when I draw and easy access with seat belt on in auto.

  2. JD Carpanzano

    September 27, 2017 at 10:11 PM

    I have an IWB holster I bought at an Army Navy surplus store 35 years ago. I have tried and tried many replacements, Kydex, hand made customs, everything, Nothing met the 3 points made in this article like my old stand by. I found a holster made of stiff suede very inexpensive so I though I’d try one last one. Incredibly I was thrilled. A perfect replacement for my well worn $8.00 surplus leather holster for an incredible $12.00! What I have spent on holsters I could have bought another 2 1911’s.

  3. Dean

    September 27, 2017 at 4:05 PM

    I have one of your holster made for my gun with a crimson trace laser. When the holster is in use it presses the on button to my laser turning it on automatically. When I draw the pistol my laser is on which wears my battery down. How do I eliminate this problem

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