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Do You Blame The Bullet?

I am sickened and I am saddened.

I want to first and foremost say that my heart goes out to the victims of the shooting in Connecticut.

The actions of Adam Lanza were despicable.

There is absolutely no excuse for him to have cut short the lives of those 20 children causing them to forfeit their chance to make an impact on this world.

Those 20 children and the brave teachers lost their lives tragically and the impact will be forever felt in the irreparable scars left on the survivors.

My Wife sat in tears in the passenger seat of our car as the story unfolded and I was left in shock as she relayed the events to me.

This was a terrible act that sent shock waves through the country. There is no contesting that.

What sickens me the most about it is that, just like with any tragedy, the media and politicians don’t spare a moment in finding a way to twist these monstrous acts to sell a story or advance their own agenda.

Let’s be clear, this was a tragedy committed by a person  with serious mental issues who did not understand the value of life, NOT a fallacy in gun control.

The gun was simply medium by which the act was committed, not the reason for the crime.

It is ridiculous to watch the paltry attempts at PR as stores like Wal-Mart and Dicks Sporting Goods remove the Bushmaster Rifle and other “modern sporting rifles” while the politicians rally to use the momentum of the media machine to push forward on new gun control laws.

Are we to blame a bullet for the act of a man?

Face it; gun control laws are only going to affect law abiding citizens. A drug dealer with a black market handgun is not suddenly going turn themselves in for violating a gun law.

As the story progresses, the spotlight is being turned to survivalists.  When news that Adam Lanza’s mother was an avid gun enthusiast and prepper broke, Gun sales spiked and the media is making it appear as though preppers are making a run on assault rifles in order to get them before they're gone.

Now the acts of this one misguided person place him at the forefront of the general public’s mind when they think of prepping, turning the rest of us into pariah’s.

The future is ours to decide. Now we just have to figure out the right answer.

What will we do to turn the tide back in our favor?

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