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To Pull The Trigger, Or Not: That Is The Question

defensive gun use

Photo Credit: MileHighConcealedCarry

At least some of the time, simply showing a gun to a would be attacker is enough to scare him away. Though this is clearly not always the case, or we'd never have to actually pull the trigger. Sadly, most of the anti-gunners wouldn't consider this the defensive use of a gun when they shout their anti-gun rhetoric from the roof-tops.

Clearly, it fits the description of a DGU, even though the gun was never fired. A lot of courts would agree that just the simple action of showing the weapon to an attacker constitutes deadly force. However, I do want to be clear that the trigger doesn't have to be pulled in order for it to be considered deadly force. Simply pulling a gun out is enough. In most courts, pulling it out means that you intend to use it to save your life.

Furthermore, I believe that this is the most common form of defensive gun use. I believe that more often than not, people are not pulling the trigger when they have the option to. After all, taking away one's life isn't something that you can give back. Once it's gone, it's gone. And that is the main reason, right or wrong, why most people would never actually pull the trigger.

Taking another person's life is not generally something most people want to deal with.

This is the case in this next video, where a couple of young-ins decided to hold up a jewelry store at gunpoint. It didn't go as they had planned, because they ran away with their tails tucked between their legs. I'm sure there is something to be learned here, but I want to know something else, instead:

Would you have pulled the trigger? Or, would you have let them leave the way they did?

Here is the video:


Granted, we can't really hear what is being said. Were these young punks pleading for their lives? Is there something else going on here that we can't hear? Let me know what you would have done, different or otherwise, in the comments below. When you're done with that, make sure you share this article on your Facebook Page to show the gun grabbers that defensive gun uses do happen, and not all of them end with someone dying or getting shot.

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