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Our Response To The Pope Francis Gun Rant

Pope Francis Gun Rant

Last year, the pope made a startling statement about gun manufacturers and those who support them. He said that if you make guns, or support the gun industry, you can't be a Christian. Well, Mr. pope, let's dissect your comment in light of what the Bible actually says about owning a weapon.

But, before we get there, let me simply point out the hypocrisy of the man who has armed guards for his own protection. The Vatican's own Swiss Guard has access to, and is very well versed, in the use of many guns – to include MP-5s, Glocks and AR style rifles.

So, it would seem that the pope does actually support the gun industry in at least one form. Wonder if that means he is not a Christian…?

…But, I digress

Now that we've gotten the hypocrisy out of the way, let's open up the Bible to see what it, and more specifically, Jesus says about owning a weapon for self-defense.

Clearly, back in the time of Jesus, there was no such thing as a gun. In fact, gun powder wasn't even invented until about 1250 AD. So, when the Bible speaks of self-defense and using weapons to do so, most of the time it is talking about daggers and swords.

In the text we are about to look at, Jesus is getting ready to go on the cross, and as he does, he explains to the disciples that they will need certain things that weren't needed when he was physically there with them:

“He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one‘.” Luke 22:36

In other words, they needed some money, a way to transport their goods and a sword. In fact, Jesus said that a sword was so important that they should sell their clothes to go buy one.

Let's hover on this for a minute. When we're talking about having the bare bones minimum for daily survival, like clothes, bags and money – and then throw a weapon into the mix as well, what does that tell us?

Listen, these swords were not letter openers. So, if you have any sense about you, hopefully you're inclined to believe that having a method of self-defense is necessary for day to day life.

Unfortunately, people use things for stupid reasons. Because some people feel as though it is right for them to kill, rape and pillage – decent people need a way to protect themselves. That's just the way it is, and until that changes, law abiding gun owners will continue to protect themselves.

The Bible also tells us that this weapon we are to sell our clothes for, is to be used for self-defense only. In other words, we are not to go exacting our revenge, as we see just a few sentences later when Peter used his sword against one of the men trying to take Jesus away.

In fact, Jesus tells his disciple (Peter) later on in this story:

put your sword back in its place…for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Matthew 26:52.

Essentially, one of the disciples didn't like the fact that Jesus was about to get hauled away, and took it upon himself to stop the whole thing from happening. This disciple was reprimanded (as seen above) for slicing off someone's ear.

In other words, he was not acting in self-defense. That'd be like the police coming into your house and arresting you on false charges, but before they can get cuffs on you, you pull out your 12 gauge and start throwing lead at them.

Bad idea, dude.

So, Mr. pope, as you can plainly see, someone needs to make these inanimate objects, that we call guns, so decent people can defend themselves properly. Swords are a bit outdated for self-defense in modern times. After all, who would bring a sword or an ax to a gun fight?

Sir, maybe a better thing to say, would be that those who rape, pillage and kill their fellow man and woman are not, in fact, Christian. You know, those who live by the sword? But, then again, you are not God, so how could you know who is a Christian, and who is not?

Let us know what you think about this in the comments below. Also, have you had a chance to take your gun hobby to the next level with the American Gun Association, yet? Follow that link to check them out.

And, in a totally un-related topic, have you seen this shirt? I'm the daddy of two pretty little girls, and this shirt is currently only 10 bucks. I may get one for each day of the week. Check it out:

Guns don't kill.

Guns Don't Kill, Dad's with pretty Daughters do.

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