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Five .45 ACP Handguns You MUST Have


The .45 ACP invented by John Moses Browning understood that the .38 Long Colt cartridge was a dud. This is why the .45 Automatic Colt Pistol is still the go-to weapon among many gun users.

Thinking of getting a gun? Check out these five awesome .45 ACP handguns that you need to own.

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5 Awesome .45 ACP Handguns You Must Have

Glock 21

Glock 21 handgun with flash light and hollow point bullets | .45 ACP

The Glock 21 polymer frame got a lot of bad reviews. But this .45 ACP pistol is an underappreciated gem. Looking for an affordable sidearm that packs a devastating wallop? This is your gun. The Glock 21 has a double-stack that can carry up to thirteen rounds of ammunition. It has five times more rounds than a typical 1911.

Yet it is also lightweight. It weighs around 226 grams even when fully loaded. The Glock 21, albeit its unpopular design, is an excellent handgun. It will put a huge hole in its target but not in your wallet.

Springfield Armory XD45 Mod 2 Service Model

The Springfield XD45 is one of the more affordable .45 ACP pistols available today. But don't get deceived by its price tag. It's more than meets the eye. The double-action Springfield XD45 is 7.3 inches long with a four-inch steel barrel. It has a sleek yet aggressive frame contour. Equipped with an anti-accidental discharge safety grip, the XD45 is easy to operate.

It has a two-row double-stack magazine that holds up to thirteen rounds. Durable, reliable, and affordable, this .45 ACP gives you the best bang for your buck.

Ed Brown Executive Carry

The Commander is a weapon for officers hence its name. Its 4.25-inch short barrel makes it lighter than a regular 1911 sidearm. Collectors swore by this gun for its compact built yet immense power. Among other Commander-type pistols, the Executive Carry ranks as the best. This beauty has a single-stack magazine that carries up to eight rounds.

It has an astounding bobtail frame, contoured edges, and a matte stainless-steel finish. Equipped with advanced fiber-optic sights, The Executive Carry is a fearsome beast.

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Wilson Combat Tactical Carry

Watchmaker Bill Wilson created The Wilson Combat Tactical Carry. It's a weapon developed for extreme precision and accuracy. As he does in assembling small clock parts, Wilson gave extreme care in designing this weapon.

Designed to perfection, this .45 ACP sidearm built for those who are aiming for a precise kill. The Wilson Combat Tactical Carry has advanced safety features and fiber optic sights. Its one-inch shooting accuracy within twenty-five-yard range makes the Wilson super deadly.

Heckler & Koch HK45

The Mark 23 pistol or The Heckler & Koch HK45 is the U.S. commandos' sidearm of choice. Call it Heckler & Koch USP version 2.0. A great innovation in cartridge engineering, it makes the USP chambered-in design obsolete.

The Heckler & Koch HK45 also showcases a revolutionary thirty-percent recoil reduction system. This is a very practical feature. And so is its ambidextrous control capability that works like a charm. No doubt, this premium handgun is the Cadillac of .45 Automatic Colt Pistols.

Watch these 5 Awesome Handguns You Must Have:

There are various factors to consider in choosing the right compact firearm. But in the end, it all boils down to quality and of course, your budget.


What do you think is the best .45 ACP handgun that would suit you best? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

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