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Charlie Daniels Responds To Billboard’s Gun Control Letter

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Country singer Charlie Daniels is a true American Patriot who isn't afraid to tell everyone what's on his mind. He recently sat through an interview with Fox News Entertainment where he gave his perspective about guns, and, more specifically about the open letter to congress concerning gun control, which was signed by close to 200 musicians. I'm sure you know where he stands on the matter.

When speaking about the famous musicians and personalities who recently wrote in to Billboard voicing their concerns for gun control, Charlie Daniels had this to say: “This is the biggest farce going on. It's just political. I don't give a damn who signed that thing on Billboard. They don't shoot guns. They don't know anything about them. What they do know is what they think is the popular opinion and I guarantee you, Orlando is just one guy. Wait until there are five or six of them.”

He also went on to say: “My thought [is] we've got enough gun control laws and [the problem is], the laws that we have now are not being enforced. These gun laws are cosmetic… bad people are bad people and you cannot clean up anything by taking guns away.”

The people who wrote the letter demanding congress do more about guns, include names like Ellen DeGeneres, Cher, Brittany Spears, Paul McCartney, Katy Perry, The Dixie Chicks, Lady Gaga, and nearly 200 others.

The letter was titled: An Open Letter To Congress: Stop Gun Violence Now. The opening paragraph says this: “As leading artists and executives in the music industry, we are adding our voices to the chorus of Americans demanding change.”

If you'd like to read the letter in its entirety, or would like to know all of the 200 people who signed it, check out this page on Billboard. And, for the source article where I got Mr. Daniels' quotes from, check out the Fox News website. Make sure you let us know what you think about what Charlie said about the Billboard letter, as well as the letter itself. Then, make sure you like our Facebook page, so you never miss stories like this.


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