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9 Mistakes New Gun Owners Make And How To Avoid Them

Handgun with ammunition on a black surface, photographed on low light | Mistakes New Gun Owners Make And How To Avoid Them | Featured

More often than not, new gun owners can make mistakes if they have no idea how to use their weapon properly. So if you just recently bought a new piece, continue reading to find out the common blunders new gun owners make and how to avoid them.

RELATED: Owning A Gun Safely At Home

In this article:

  1. Be Wary of these Newbie Mistakes
    1. Fidgeting
    2. No Round in Chamber
    3. Not Practicing
    4. Not Checking if Ammo Works
    5. Not Knowing Firearms Safety
    6. Not Carrying On Body
    7. Leaving Your Gun at Home or in Your Car
    8. Not Having Proper Gear
    9. Not Taking Carrying Seriously

New Gun Owners: Common Blunders Newbies Make

Be Wary of these Newbie Mistakes

The number of new gun owners in America is steadily increasing. When you're new to the wonderful world of carrying a self-defense weapon, you're bound to make mistakes.

That's just the way it is, but it doesn't mean that you can't ask someone more experienced to show you the ins, outs, and proper techniques so you can use a gun correctly. Proper guidance is one of the most important things new gun owners need.

We do recommend you take a class or two from a more experienced firearms owner to make sure you're doing everything else right. But for starters, below is a shortlist of errors new gun owners make and tips on how to fix those mistakes too.

1. Fidgeting


When you're new to carrying a gun, you might fidget a bit. It can be really uncomfortable to carry simply because you went from not carrying a gun to having extra weight on your hip.

There are also some instances you may be carrying an extra 2 pounds of weight on your belt. It is easy to spot a new concealed gun carrier because they are constantly fixing and adjusting their gun holster.

The most important thing for you to remember is you're concealing it and you don't want people to know it's there. If you keep touching it and adjusting it, it's a dead giveaway.

How do you fix this?

Get a good holster that fits you and the gun perfectly. Furthermore, you can carry your gun around the house so you can get used to having it on your hip.

2. No Round in Chamber


If you're not carrying a round in the chamber, you're doing yourself a great disservice. An attacker can make up 21 feet in about 2 seconds.

If you have to draw from your holster and then send a round home, you're screwed.

How do you fix this?

Learn how to exercise proper trigger control and then start carrying with a round in the chamber.

3. Not Practicing


There's nothing more annoying than someone who buys a gun, carries it, and then never shoots the thing. It is pointless.

If you have no idea how it works, how can you effectively use it? If you never shot it before, how would you know if it even works or not?

Taking it a step further, there are proper ways to practice, and you want to do it the right way. This is where having an instructor can come into play.

An experienced instructor can teach you just about everything you need to know as far as handling a gun is concerned.

How do you fix this?

Get your ass to the gun range and shoot. More than that, get a firearms instructor.

4. Not Checking if Ammo Works


Whenever you buy a box of ammo, bring it to the range and shoot two or three rounds and check if it cycles in your pistol. Furthermore, if you never shoot your “hot” ammo, you'll never know how it feels in your gun when you need it to defend yourself.

A lot of self-defense ammo handles totally different than “target” ammo does.

How do you fix this?

Simple, make sure you shoot a few hollow points (or whatever you're using for self-defense) from each box of ammo you buy to make sure they work. And, when you practice, periodically shoot your self-defense ammo so you know or remember how it handles. Will it cost more? Absolutely. Your life is worth it though, isn't it?

RELATED: Buying Used Guns | How To Shop Gun Blue Book Value Prices

5. Not Knowing Firearms Safety

This is paramount. There are many new gun owners who don't know the basic safety rules, which they should!

Not taking your own safety into consideration is idiotic, but when you put other lives in danger, well, that's a different matter altogether.

Always know where your trigger finger is when handling a gun of any type. Always remember where your muzzle is.

And always check what's behind and around your target. Never shoot at anything you aren't willing to destroy.

How do you fix this? 

Firearms safety is very important to know and understand especially if you carry your gun on a daily basis. Follow gun safety rules at all times to avoid any potential danger of mishandling a firearm.

And if you already know about it, a refresher wouldn't hurt.

6. Not Carrying On Body


One thing we hear about all too often is someone willing to carry a concealed gun, but doing it off-body, like in a purse. We can't discount this method of carrying a gun because sometimes, it is a necessity.

However, most of the time, it should be a last resort. Too many bad things can happen when you're not in control of your gun.

As we've seen in the past, little hands can get a hold of it and use it, albeit on accident, on others.

How do you fix this?

Get used to carrying your weapon on your body. Off-body carry should only be used as a last resort. This forces you to be in control of your gun at all times and this control is what you should practice on as well!

7. Leaving Your Gun at Home or in Your Car


The reason you bought a gun was for self-defense, right? Then why on earth would you leave it somewhere else where you cannot get to it.

At the bare minimum, you should always have a gun within reach.

Granted, there are some places where bringing a gun is illegal. Do what you feel is necessary for those instances.

There are people who feel naked when they don't have their gun on them and tend to only go to places where they can.

How do you fix this?

It's simple, really. When you're awake, you have a gun on your person at all times. When you're asleep you have one nearby that's easily accessible. If you choose to not carry a gun in your home, have one within reach in case someone breaks into your house to harm you.

8. Not Having Proper Gear


Holsters are great gifts for new gun owners. You could go out and spend $3,000 on the nicest pistol you can find.

But if your holster or belt doesn't work right, you'll find yourself up that paddle-less creek in no time.

How do you fix this?

If you carry on your waist, you'll need a sturdy belt. Any holster you get should properly cover the trigger so there aren't any negligent discharges.

Also, periodically inspect your gear to make sure it functions the way it's supposed to.

Damaged holsters have been known to press triggers while being slid in, so make sure it's in good shape and free from any debris. Also, check your magazines from time to time to make sure they still function properly.

9. Not Taking Carrying Seriously


Again, the reason why you bought a gun was for self-defense, right? You need to take it seriously and not forget your gun is there.

It is not enough to mindlessly holster your weapon each day.

How to fix this?

Be sure you make a mental note each time you holster your weapon. It reminds you it is on your waist, ankle, or shoulder.

In some instances, you could be the only thing stopping yourself or a loved one from getting harmed or killed.

Make sure you're ready for an event where you are the only person capable of stopping someone from killing others. This means that you should mentally prepare yourself every day.

It also means that you need to do range training with live ammunition or try anything else you feel necessary to make you become a serious gun carrier.

First time owning a gun? Watch this video from God family and guns and take a good look at the mistakes new gun owner and concealed carriers make and how you can avoid them:

We are all aware of how dangerous firearms are. And it can even be more hazardous if the one using it is not well-trained or well-informed of its potential dangers.

New gun owners can make mistakes and put their lives or other people in peril if they don't know how to use it the right way. Negligence is not an excuse if you own a gun.

Being responsible and learning the right discipline of using a gun is a mark of a true gun carrier!

Sound off, Gun Carriers! What do you see new gun owners are doing wrong that needs to be addressed? Let us know in the comments section below.  


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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on August 17, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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